Mongolia iBook
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Mongolia, once at the centre of Genghis Khan’s empire, is being transformed from a small struggling economy into one that’s thriving; yet despite the pull of modernization, the centuries old nomadic way of life can still be experienced. I’ve dreamed of travelling to Mongolia for years, ever since I saw the film Mongol and fell in love with the wide open landscape. It was a destination that seemed out of reach to a middle-aged urbanite until David duChemin and Jeffrey Chapman organized a Within the Frame photo tour.
This book is the result of that trip. The tour was to be “an adventure full of the passionate discovery and photography of people, place and culture, with emphasis given to going deep not wide.” Ironically, I fell in love with the wide expanses and produced hundreds of panoramas, the best of which are presented, in high definition, in this book.
Mongolia: Within the Frame is divided into three themes: Mongolians, Landscapes, and Religions. Each is filled with photographs and interactive panoramas.
Use this link to get a copy: